Send Us An Email * If you need help with resources like paying a bill or rental assistance, visit, text your zip code to 898-211, or dial 211. This office does not provide direct assistance, and will refer you to 211.First Name*Last Name*Email Address* County*AdamsAlleghenyArmstrongBeaverBedfordBerksBlairBradfordBucksButlerCambriaCameronCarbonCentreChesterClarionClearfieldClintonColumbiaCrawfordCumberlandDauphinDelawareElkErieFayetteForestFranklinFultonGreeneHuntingdonIndianaJeffersonJuniataLackawannaLancasterLawrenceLebanonLehighLuzerneLycomingMcKeanMercerMifflinMonroeMontgomeryMontourNorthamptonNorthumberlandPerryPhiladelphiaPikePotterSchuylkillSnyderSomersetSullivanSusquehannaTiogaUnionVenangoWarrenWashingtonWayneWestmorelandWyomingYorkOtherYour Message*Inbox Monitored* I understand that this inbox is not regularly monitored and that it may take up to five business days to get a response.*211* I understand that this form is not for assistance finding resources. For that type of assistance, dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211. We cannot provide assistance via email, and will refer you to call or text 211.*CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.