March 14, 2024 – 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM


I. Call to order | Andy Dessel 

II. Mission Moment | Andy Dessel 

III. Approve Minutes of December 7, 2023 board meeting and organizational meeting (2 attachments in materials) | Andy Dessel 

IV. Committee Reports 

A. Personnel Update – Executive Evaluation | Andy Dessel 

B. Nominating Committee | Serina Gaston  

Discussion item: 2024 Board Nominating  

C. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee | Pedro Romero         

Action item: UWP/PA 211 Equity Agenda Review/Updates 

D. Public Policy | Jennifer Reis 

Discussion item: PA 211 Budget Request (attachment in materials) 

Discussion item: Other Commonwealth Budget Priorities 

Discussion item: UWP Hill Day 

E. Member Services | Will Price 

Discussion item: 2024 UWP Conference Update and Sponsorships (see attachment)  

F. Finance and Revenue Enhancement (11:00 AM) | Carrie Amann 

Action item: 2023 Audit Reports for UWP and PA 211, UWP Required Communication Letter, UWP 990, and PA 211 990 – Dave Manbeck from Boyer and Ritter will give a summary presentation to the Board and answer any questions. (4 attachments in materials) 

Discussion item: Financial Reports 

V. Drug and Alcohol Policy | Kim Amsler 

The board will review and adopt a draft drug and alcohol policy prepared by UWP counsel, which satisfies federal funder requirements. (Attachment in materials) 

VI. UWP 403(b) Plan Resolution | Kristen Rotz

Action item: the board will take action to approve a 403b plan with Mutual of America, replacing our current 401k plan.

VII. Member Dues Town Hall Report | Board Discussion 

Staff and board members will share updates from the open member dues town hall on March 1st, where several concepts were discussed including changing the basis of dues calculation, and optional add-on services for additional member benefits. The board will discuss and advise next steps toward finalizing any changes in dues for 2025. (Attachment in materials) 

VIII. Pathway to Opportunity – Benefit Cliff Advocacy Campaign | Board Discussion 
Staff will provide updates to the board about building an advocacy coalition, and fundraising for a statewide advocacy campaign which focuses on smoothing benefit cliffs to grow and strengthen Pennsylvania’s workforce. The board will discuss strategy and impacts to UWP as well as relationships with the local United Way network. (Attachment in board materials) 

IX. Potential Mental Health Access and Affordability Initiative | Board Discussion 

UWP was approached last year by a partner who would like to scale a program statewide to improve mental health access and incorporate 211 as the access point. Recently, we were also connected with a potential partner who wants to focus on Hispanic and Spanish-speaking populations to reduce stigma, increase access to linguistically matched resources. The DEI Committee organically raised mental health as an area of need in Pennsylvania communities. Staff will provide basic background and suggest convening a time-limited work group to explore approaches that advance both UW and 211 network impact and relationships.  

X. PA 211 Update | Donna Clark        

The PA 211 board will share updates on its strategic direction and partnership with staff and board to support the PA 211 state funding request.  

XI. PA Navigate Review and Moving Forward | Board Discussion 

Staff will review the outcome of board leadership conversations for the full board, and discuss the current state of partnership with DHS, the Health Information Exchanges, and PA Navigate. (Attachment in board materials)  

XII. President’s Report | Kristen Rotz 

XIII. Adjourn  

Board of Directors Meeting Dates for 2024  

Date Time Address  Zoom Address 
June 6, 2024 10 AM – 1 PM  Youth Advocate Programs (1511 N Front St, Harrisburg, PA  17102)  
September 12, 2024 10 AM – 12:00 PM Zoom  
December 12, 2024 10 AM – 2 PM United Way of the Capital Region (2235 Millennium Way, Enola, PA  17025)  
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