Support United Way of PA’s Efforts to Build Financially Resilient Families and Thriving Communities!

United Ways fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our communities. In order to provide the needs many are facing, our priorities for the Pennsylvania state budget focus on building financially resilient families and thriving communities. United Way recognizes the challenges facing many individuals and families throughout Pennsylvania who are going to work every day and still struggling to provide basic necessities for themselves and their families. United Ways are committed to breaking down the barriers to financial stability that many ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) families face is utilizing the ALICE Survival Threshold as a roadmap to support our Pennsylvania communities.
Please join us in advocacy to support building financially resilient families and thriving communities! United Way of Pennsylvania supports continued state funding for PA 211 to provide Pennsylvanians the opportunity to connect with information and referrals for their health and human services needs, state investments for affordable and high-quality Pre-K and child care, and the creation of a state Earned Income Tax Credit to support working Pennsylvanians.