Please use this form to nominate yourself, or someone in your community, as a candidate for our DE&I Committee. All candidates will be reviewed and contacted. We are looking for a diverse cross section of Pennsylvania that represents the rich diversity from all parts of our state. This committee will:
- Support United Way of Pennsylvania’s members in their work to serve vulnerable and historically marginalized communities while dismantling institutions and policies that create oppression.
- Guide United Way of Pennsylvania in creating programs, services, and internal procedures that foster equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work.
- Serve as leaders for our partner organizations and the commonwealth as we work on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all public arenas.
View the full Committee Charter.
We are recruiting up to 15 volunteers from within the United Way network and up to 10 volunteers from outside the United Way network who have experience dismantling systems of oppression and uplifting the voices of people who are experiencing discrimination. Priority will go to those who are self-identified members of traditionally marginalized or vulnerable groups.
Candidates should have experience, either lived or in work environments, with DE&I work. They should be committed to dismantling systems of oppression and pursuing conversations that can cause discomfort. We are asking them to commit to attending most of the committee meetings. Volunteers from outside the United Way network will receive a monetary gift for serving to offset time dedicated to volunteering.
This form can be used to nominate LUW staff, volunteers, and community partners. You may nominate more than one person and nominate yourself.